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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Here is what you missed!

For the ladies that were not able to attend our first big W2W event...the Salad Supper, here are a few pictures of the event...just so you can see what you missed!

We were so excited, as the ladies kept lining up at the door, with their salads in hand. We had so much food, that we had to arrange an overflow table for extra salads. Baptists like to eat, and apparently they can cook too. There was every kind of salad imaginable, but not one that required a personal favorite was the cornbread salad, and I always love that salad that has the Ramen noodles in it and the vinegar. And wasn't the spinach salad with strawberries good? Mmm... Can I get an instant replay on the food?
Cucumber water? I'd never heard of it. Lisa Slocumb brought it..her own personal favorite, made with those long English Cucumbers  sliced in it, and I have to admit, it was rather tasty.

3 tables loaded with food. I had to remove flower arrangements to make room for the food.
The "Overflow Table".

A place to sit...a survey to fill out. This is how we plan to gather information about what the ladies of Trinity are interested in seeing happen with the W2W ministry AND is will be a great tool to also find out where you are interested in serving.
When the survey was turned in...COMPLETED, it was traded for a raffle ticket. Check out all the raffle gifts that were donated by the community and lots of W2W ladies. Haircuts...manicures...scentsy...Pampered Chef...Creative Memores...Candles...Jewelry....Hats... Photography sessions, you name it, it was on the raffle table.
Lisa Slocumb and Tracy Tadlock did a fabulous job decorating. (Everyone did a great job with their piece of the pie). Aren't these centerepieces cute and springy? Bet you didn't know that the base is a roll of toilet paper did you? Yep, totally recyleable.

The whole Activities Room looked great!

Name tags to match our banner...great idea. You did notice the banner, right? In the first picture?

Total ladies in attendance...approximately 106. Fabulous. It only strengthens what we already knew...there is a huge desire for fellowship among our ladies.

Afterwards, there was an opportunity to sign up for Summer Bible studies, "Babes"..(apparently a weight loss thingy that Dovie Mclerran is doing on Mondays) and the Book Club, as well as our new Care Calender for meals. If you have any questions about any of the things mentioned above, email me or leave a comment and I'll be glad to explain.
Thanks everyone for attending. We hope you saw a familiar face, made  a new friend, and enjoyed yourself. Now, what to do next time...hmmmmmm.