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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Get The Scoop!

This Friday, July 22nd, 6:30 pm to the Activities Room. We are having another game night, since the last one was so much fun...and so many people couldn't make it. We are doing game night in conjunction with the ice cream social. So, get those homemade ice cream machines churning with your favorite flavor or bring your favorite store bought flavor and a topping. Bunco, Mexican Train, Phase 10...and Ice Cream? What else could a lady need?

Scrapbook Night!

If you're reading this, and it's Saturday, you're probably kicking yourself because you missed the W2W crop last night. Below are some pictures of our event. We had a great time sharing ideas, looking at each others albums and getting to know each other. What better way to get to know someone than flipping through their scrapbook? Congrats to Liz who won the Creative Memories album and pages.
If you would like to join us, this will be a regular thing with our Ministry beginning NOW! Mark your calendars. The 3rd Friday night of each month we will crop in the Activities Room from 6pm to midnight. So schedule your babysitter now for August 19th!

 Rhonda is feeling nostalgic tonight..she's taking a walk...way back walk down memory lane. Go Rhonda...get those pictures out of those sticky NOT acid free albums!

 Priscilla is getting organized...for 6 hours she got organized. She should be very, very organized and ready to actually CROP at the  next event!
"Dovie get back in your seat...we have work to do..." Dovie and I are co-tackling our Disney albums. She and her family went in 2002 and we went in 2007. Both albums are closer to being done after tonight.
Liz is on a roll...getting lots done in her kids album & having fun making cool stuff on my craft cutter. (don't you just love technology?) Remember the days when you used a template to trace and cut letters out? Now all you do is type it in on the laptop and hit "cut". Awesome!