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Friday, February 18, 2011

Introducing "PAGE TURNERS"...Book Club

Alright is my opportunity to share with you what I do best...READ. Reading moves music moves some. I think my love of  reading stems from my desire to escape from a lonely, boring childhood. I can remember going the library as a child (much like "H" does today) and bringing home stacks and stacks of books. The stories in the pages take you to places that you may never you experience things you may never experience...force you to deal with fears that otherwise you might never acknowledge exist... No matter how crummy the day has been, I can pick up a good book and go "there"...wherever "there" may be. Fiction never lets me down. Fiction always lends and ear and lowers my blood-pressure.

As I grew in my spiritual walk, many of my favorite authors began to trouble me with their language and story lines...I couldn't enjoy the story for being offended by the language. I read my first piece of Christian Fiction 5 years ago...and oh my...the floodgates opened. I did not know that Christian Fiction existed. You mean that I can read a book filled with suspense, twists, turns, love, romance, struggle and pain....and intertwined within it there is the love of GOD...the message of Salvation? without all the foul language? I've been taken ever since. I read when I cook...I read when I blow-dry my hair...I read on my phone, I read online, I read digitally, I read by listening to books in my car, I listen to books on my ipod when I clean house...I read more than one book at a time. Yes. I am crazy. This I know. I have also won more than one Non-reader over to the reading side as for those of you who are rolling your eyes at me right now...that could be you in the near future. Just sayin'...never say never!

So....the fun part, is that in every book I read, there is a message for me, or for someone I know and love. It never fails. I read something in it that applies to someone I know, and I inevitably use that book/story/message in some way in the future. In fact,  I intentionally look in each book for the "whats" and the "whys" and the "who's"...that apply to that story. Sometimes it's right in my face...sometimes not so obvious. Sometimes it hits me months later. I also pass lots of books on...because you see, people let their guard down when they read fiction...give them a book on the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ and their feathers get a little ruffled, especially if they're not ready to hear it...but give them a work of fiction where the salvation message is very subtle and woven...and they are much more open to...more. I look for those books and I pass them on when I find them.

So, what does all this mean for us? It means that I am leading a book club for our Women's Ministry. It has a's called PAGE TURNERS.  Here are the details:

  • We will meet monthly (probably a Tuesday Night) to discuss the book.
  • @ that time I will announce the next month's book selection/selections.
  • You'll have one month to read the book and review the discussion questions
  • Look for opportunities to invite others and share the ministry
  • Expect a bad book once in a while...they can't all be winners!
So what do you think? Are you in?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Women of Joy Conference

Alright Ladies...Linda asked me to post a blurb about the Women of Joy Conference at the Fair Grounds Arena. She is placing an order tomorrow/purchasing tickets tomorrow(Thursday) for Trinity. I guess if they are purchases at the same can sit together...that would be my guess. Call the church office if you are interested. The number to Linda is 354-4839.

The dates are April 15th to 19th.
Friday, Noon to 9pm
Saturday, 8:30 to 9pm
Sunday, 9am to 11am

The cost is $89 for admission. This doesn't include parking of course...never does! Linda says you can just pay the church and she'll reserve you a ticket.
Guest speakers are Sarah Palin, Kay Arthur, Karen Kingsbury, Anita Renfroe, Charles Billingsly and Michael W. Smith.

If you want to register online, and not with the church, for instance your own little group wants to go, click here:

To read the Women of Joy Blog, about all the goings on at other Conferences across the country, click here:

To download/print the pdf file of the Women of Joy flyer to pass out to your peeps, click here:

Still Waiting...

Okay, I promised you something new and exciting and I still can't tell you. I know, I'm sorry. I guess I'm going to have to give Scott the old one-two kick in the pants and speed him up on his "okay" of this endeavor...actually he has given it the okay, it just requires a monthly approval and I'm waiting on the "monthly approval" soon as he gives it...I'll tell you what we'll be doing every month...beginning in April. Here are a few hints to ponder:
  • it incorporates my favorite smell
  • it will enlighten you
  • it will make some of you roll your eyes and run the other way
  • it requires a monthly meeting and FOOD
  • it requires getting to know eachother and being social.
  • it will require you to go look for something to do it...

Monday, February 14, 2011

And We're Off!

Alright ladies...step one...establish a Facebook Page. Check. Step two, establish a Blog for the Women's Ministry. Check. This Blog will help accommodate those ladies who DO NOT have a FACEBOOK account, but DO have internet access and computer savviness. For everyone else...FEAR NOT! You will not fall between the can run, you can hide...but we will reach you all!  We have plans...secret plans...stay tuned for frequent updates to this BLOG about things going on with our Women's Ministry at Trinity. I'm waiting on Scott to give me the thumbs up, and when he does, I have an exciting announcement to make later in the week...ciao! ~K~