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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Care Calender Information

Something new that the Women's Ministry is instituting to better minister to our families in need of meals, is the CARE CALENDAR. One challenge Trinity is having, because of our size, is knowing who is preparing meals for who, when there is a need. Is the Seminar class making meals? Is their Bible Study group making meals? How about their Small Group? And how in the world would each of these groups know what the other one was making and when? The Care Calendar brings all of this together into one nifty little spot. It's so SIMPLE and will help us better minister to our families in need.
Anything you ever wanted to know about the Care Calendar can be found here:
  • A need is identified and the W2W ministry adds that family's need for a meal into the CARE CALENDAR database. If there are food allergies, likes/dislikes, if the family is vegetarian or has other dietary specifications, this is entered also. Their address in entered along with a host of other information.

  • IF YOU ARE ON THE CARE CALENDAR MEAL MINISTRY EMAIL LIST, then a mass email will go out at that time to YOU. At this point, you receive the email identifying the need for meal for a family. In this email, you are supplied a login ID for this family ONLY and a LINK to click on that will take you to the CARE CALENDAR.

  • If there is a time that you can prepare a meal, you simply go to the website, choose an available date on the CARE CALENDAR and that is your day to provide a meal. You would then enter onto your day on the calendar WHAT you are taking to the family to eat. You would be able to see also, if there are any dietary restrictions, how many people you are providing food for etc... {The nifty part of this is that you can also see what meal was taken to the family the day before and what is being taken the day after you. This option prevents three days of Chicken Spaghetti in a row!}
  • You can also receive an email reminder when it is your day to take a meal, and there is a map right there on the Calendar showing you turn by turn how to get to the home. It can't get much easier than that!
If you want to be a part of the Care Calendar Ministry and we don't know it, it does no one any good. As evidence of the Salad Supper....'yall ladies can cook! What we need is to enter your name and email into the Care Calendar Database...if you want to be notified when there is a need. You can do this by dropping an email to Lisa Kretzschmer. Just click here:
It does no one any good if you put your name on the list and NEVER check your email! You must check your email, because this church body is huge, the needs are sporadic and many! If you don't regularly check your email and you've put your name on the CARE CALENDAR meal preparation're going to have to tie a string around your finger to remind you...
don't have time to prepare a meal for this family? Well don't! We want you to serve if  you feel led to serve. It would be unrealistic for us to think that  you would prepare a meal every single time there is a need. We are all busy, BUT with a large enough list, there should never be a time that anyone HAS to provide a meal.
Just remember though, when you have nothing for dinner, a "one pot" recipe is great...a bowl of soup and cornbread is awesome! Chicken Spaghetti and rolls is great...families do not expect Thanksgiving preparations! If we all do our small part,  no one should ever feel overwhelmed.
If you have any questions, post a comment here and I'll answer it, email me, leave a comment or email me via  our Facebook page, which you can find here :
If I don't know the answer, I'll find out and get the information to you. Thanks ladies, for all you do.