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Friday, August 12, 2011


Regardless of how the temperature feels outside...the calendar will soon say, it is time to spool up our Fall Bible studies. I have listed all studies, times, places (if known for now), and  leader (if known) the right in the margin of the blog. Just scroll down past the blog archive on the far right and you'll see it.  Child care will be provided for all studies. Sign up for Bible Studies started last Sunday. The sign up sheet will remain at the W2W table until the cut off date of August 28th.  I  encourage you to sign up ASAP.  If you signed up last week, please go back to the table and put the ages of your children on the list so that we can plan accordingly for providers. Please pay for your book at sign up. I'm not sure of the cost, likely between $8 & $12. Enjoy these last blazing days of Summer...I'm sure I'm speaking for everyone when I say: WELCOME FALL!