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Monday, February 14, 2011

And We're Off!

Alright ladies...step one...establish a Facebook Page. Check. Step two, establish a Blog for the Women's Ministry. Check. This Blog will help accommodate those ladies who DO NOT have a FACEBOOK account, but DO have internet access and computer savviness. For everyone else...FEAR NOT! You will not fall between the can run, you can hide...but we will reach you all!  We have plans...secret plans...stay tuned for frequent updates to this BLOG about things going on with our Women's Ministry at Trinity. I'm waiting on Scott to give me the thumbs up, and when he does, I have an exciting announcement to make later in the week...ciao! ~K~


  1. Yes, you can leave your inspiring and encouraging comments here...and any tips you might have for what you'd like to see on this blog.

  2. and I repeat...this is where you leave comments! and over there...that's where you "follow" means "JOIN" lol
