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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Still Waiting...

Okay, I promised you something new and exciting and I still can't tell you. I know, I'm sorry. I guess I'm going to have to give Scott the old one-two kick in the pants and speed him up on his "okay" of this endeavor...actually he has given it the okay, it just requires a monthly approval and I'm waiting on the "monthly approval" soon as he gives it...I'll tell you what we'll be doing every month...beginning in April. Here are a few hints to ponder:
  • it incorporates my favorite smell
  • it will enlighten you
  • it will make some of you roll your eyes and run the other way
  • it requires a monthly meeting and FOOD
  • it requires getting to know eachother and being social.
  • it will require you to go look for something to do it...

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