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Sunday, March 6, 2011

"No Same Old Shoes"

 Today, after our W2W (Woman 2 Woman) Leadership meeting, I started thinking a new post for the upcoming week was in order. I do NOT want this blog to become stale...if people see the SAME thing too many times when they visit the blog, they start to peeter off on views. That's just how it goes. You know you can relate...when you stroll through the shoe department at Macy's, don't you know immediately if it's the SAME OLD SHOES on display? Yep. See? So what happens? You don't go back for a week or so. That is the  LAST thing I want to happen here. I don't want the SAME OLD SHOES to ever be on display for long, so I think that a new post is in order...oh I know, how about a blog tutorial? 

For those of you who have your own blogs,  or who read blogs weekly, this will be one of those "ho-hum" paragraphs that you'll likely just skim over. There are some ladies who are experiencing BLOG-life first hand via yours truly. That scares me a little. :-) Nevertheless, I want Blog reading to be a pleasant one, so here are a few blog pointers for blog newbies:
  • Old posts (or topics) do not disappear. Just because you pull up the blog and there is a new post/topic at the top, fear not! The previous post is still there. If you continue scrolling/going down the page, you will see the previous topic, and the one before, and the one before. Eventually, however, that page will end, and in the very bottom center of the page you will see those magical words "OLDER POSTS". In blogger-land...that's like turning a page. Click that, and back you go to the previous page of posts. Ten years from now, God willing, you & I  will be able to hit the "previous post" button all the way back to RIGHT HERE. Amazing. I know. Technology creeps me out and romances me at the same time.
  • This will really bowl you over...Blogging is NOT a one way gasp! No! You will notice, at the bottom of each post, there is a word....COMMENT. Think about it, if anyone else says something to don't just stand there and look at them do you? No, you reply. So I need you to REPLY..not just for me but for eachother. I don't NEED your reply because I need your reassurance, I need to hear you because I need to know this deal is working...that relationships are being built and ladies are getting to know eachother. The cool thing about a comment is, when you comment, your picture is displayed next to your comment. When I read your comment and your name, I begin to place a face with a name. Other Ladies reading this blog will quickly do the same. Next time you see them, you'll recognize them and that is RELATIONSHIP.
I have a funny story to tell you along this line, if you will indulge me. At last week's W2W meeting, I carted along my laptop, so that I could show the other ladies the trailer on YOUtube for the book club selection for the month (I'm pretty sure that's a run-on sentence). Anyway, I was leaning over Lisa Slocumb and we were looking at the blog. We were talking about what a great tool it was going to be to bring ladies up to speed on what's going on within the church, and how we hoped it would also evolve into a useful way for ladies to get aquainted. Are you ready? Then she pointed at my picture...and said "see, I don't even know who this person is who is doing this blog".  Umm...yeah, I said "um, that's me"...okay, maybe it was 15 pounds ago, but it wasn't unrecognizable. I rest my case. We see people around us every Sunday and Wednesday, but do we really SEE people around us? I'm not just picking on Lisa, because I thought it was hilarious. I had a big belly laugh about it later on...but seriously...we must develop relationship. We are commanded to. Need I remind you? I do? God's word is filled with story after story about relationship, and I don't need to remind you that the book starts with the story of God's relationship to man in the Garden of Eden. The Bible is also a book filled with stories about friendships..and the word FRIEND is found some ninety times in scripture. Wow. Anyway, I'd really like to see you ladies commenting, just so we can begin to communicate, but now that I've scolded you, let me praise you for even looking and reading! Some 200 views in a week! I'm floored.

  • To comment, you must be "logged in". When you first pull up the blog, if you plan to comment, log in to "google blogger". There is a 'log in' button on the top right of your DASHBOARD.I'm not talking about the one in  your car either. (Your Dashboard is the line that runs across the top of the blog . It's likely navy blue with orange letters).  When you find 'sign in', you will know you have found your dashboard. Once you are signed in to google, you can comment, choose to follow the blog, and RSVP to event listed on the sidebar. Nifty, eh? I just love technology, but I think I said that already.
  •  If you do not have a google ID, just create one, it's easy, just follow the instructions. If you can bake a cake, you can create a google ID. Just make the ID name something you can remember and the password something you won't forget. Each time you log in, that's what you type. If you check the blog within a 24 hour period, you will likely still be logged in. If you have a nice picture of yourself on the computer or your camera, this is where you upload it (to make your picture show up when you comment). If you want to know how to do that, we might need to meet and have coffee. 
  •  Simple. Got it? Okay, Go Comment!


  1. I'll comment, because I like it when people comment on my blog, let's you know people are reading. Great job, BTW!

  2. I thought I had this whupped but my comment didn't show up..

  3. Yea, the first one didn"t but the 2nd one did. Am I good or what!!!

  4. I havn't figured out how to get a pic. posted yet tho...

  5. I am impressed Elaine, at least you are trying!
