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Friday, March 4, 2011

Okay, I can't stand it any longer...

I can't wait any longer. I've been trying to figure out when the best time is to announce our  new book club. I have the thumbs up on the book choices...We have the salad supper coming up and revival but why wait to start the book club? Since when can women NOT do more than one thing at a time?? Under the definition of woman in the dictionary, I'm pretty sure it says "multi-tasker". If it doesn' should.

 So, okay, for those of you who have been waiting...waiting...& waiting for me to tell you about PAGE TURNERS, this post is just for you. For the rest of you, that I bribed into reading along with me, you've been dreading this announcement, because you must start reading (you know who you are). So, here we go....PAGE TURNERS. That's the name. That's us. That's our Women's Ministry Book Club. It's official. It has a name. It has an identity. It has a purpose. It has an agenda and YOU have an assignment. Pick a book, or choose both. In Louisiana, we chose two books each month, because it was common that the chosen book was either unappealing or had already been read. So by offering two choices, from different era's, genres and authors, you are bound to find one of the two appealing.

Book one I am really excited about because it's a new author for me, and if you don't know me, you don't know that it's difficult to find an author that I haven't read. I read all the time, everywhere, all places, in all situations. Period. The product of a crummy dysfunctional childhood plunged me into fiction at an early 11. I've been there ever since. Anyway, below is the trailer on YouTube for the first book. It is HISTORICAL FICTION.  I could say technically it's HISTORICAL BIBLICAL FICTION, if you want the actual category, but the story is about Rahab, which is not a fictional character as you know, but a for real Biblical character, so I'm guessing this book is a combination of both. A fictional story wrapped up in an actual person to tell a true story. Does that make any sense at all? yeah, I didn't think so. Watch the trailer below.

I think it's going to be a great read. Which one of  you couldn't use a little Biblical Romance? :)
Okay, second book choice is from one of my favorite authors Francine Rivers. A few of you have read it I know, but for those of you who haven't...YOU MUST. I have to forewarn you not judge the book by it's cover. I have said for a couple of years that the cover needs to be re-done. There is nothing appealing about it...but once you get past the won't be able to put it down, and you'll never look at your husband the same....ha ha! If you've read it, you know what I'm talking about. Below is the link to the second book choice.

All right PAGE TURNERS, you've got 4 weeks to read these two books or one of them. I'll post discussion questions for each book in a couple of weeks, so make notes as you read. In a month, we will meet and discuss and I'll announce new books...that's the routine.I'm shooting for a Monday the coffee shop area, although meeting at a restaurant might  not be out of the question, depending on the number of ladies participating. We'll get to that part later.
 Below are places that you can get the books.
  • Sue ordered and has 6 of Pearl in the Sand...I believe they are in the bookstore, if not, I'll post in the comments section of this post where they are. I know she has 6. We can get at least that many more in 2 days from Amazon at a discount if you want one, please leave me a comment and let me know. Click on any of the links below to find the books.
Page Turners...go turn some pages.


  1. There are 6 copies of Pearl in the Sand on order. They are NOT in the bookstore yet. 1 of them is spoken for, so that leaves 5. Yes, I can also add and subtract. :) They should be in within the week. The cost for this particular shipment is about $10. The next order will likely come from Amazon, so the price might be more, or less depending on how many we order. It's a new book, that's the reason it's not so readily available. Redeeming love is everywhere, so you shouldn't have a problem finding it.

  2. 5 copies of Pearl in the Sand are in the TBC bookstore. $10
