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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Coupon Closet Class/New Info Added

Yay! The Coupon Closet Lady is Coming to Trinity! We tried to get her before and it fell mark your Calendars..she will be with us...FREE OF CHARGE...October 28th (Friday night) at 7pm in the Activities Room. I love couponing and can always use extra tips. Please plan to attend and bring a friend!
Although she is coming free of charge, she does ask that each person attending bring a FULL size toiletry item (shampoo..toothpaste...lotion...etc...) to donate to people in need. So whip out your coupons and get busy! Also, we are suggesting that  you bring a dish/snack to share.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Just a Reminder....

Just a reminder ladies,  that we scrapbook every 3rd Friday night of the month in the Activities Room. 6:30 pm - midnight
Come scrapbook, sort photos, or just chat.
Next crop date,  October 21st.

Friday, August 12, 2011


Regardless of how the temperature feels outside...the calendar will soon say, it is time to spool up our Fall Bible studies. I have listed all studies, times, places (if known for now), and  leader (if known) the right in the margin of the blog. Just scroll down past the blog archive on the far right and you'll see it.  Child care will be provided for all studies. Sign up for Bible Studies started last Sunday. The sign up sheet will remain at the W2W table until the cut off date of August 28th.  I  encourage you to sign up ASAP.  If you signed up last week, please go back to the table and put the ages of your children on the list so that we can plan accordingly for providers. Please pay for your book at sign up. I'm not sure of the cost, likely between $8 & $12. Enjoy these last blazing days of Summer...I'm sure I'm speaking for everyone when I say: WELCOME FALL!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Get The Scoop!

This Friday, July 22nd, 6:30 pm to the Activities Room. We are having another game night, since the last one was so much fun...and so many people couldn't make it. We are doing game night in conjunction with the ice cream social. So, get those homemade ice cream machines churning with your favorite flavor or bring your favorite store bought flavor and a topping. Bunco, Mexican Train, Phase 10...and Ice Cream? What else could a lady need?

Scrapbook Night!

If you're reading this, and it's Saturday, you're probably kicking yourself because you missed the W2W crop last night. Below are some pictures of our event. We had a great time sharing ideas, looking at each others albums and getting to know each other. What better way to get to know someone than flipping through their scrapbook? Congrats to Liz who won the Creative Memories album and pages.
If you would like to join us, this will be a regular thing with our Ministry beginning NOW! Mark your calendars. The 3rd Friday night of each month we will crop in the Activities Room from 6pm to midnight. So schedule your babysitter now for August 19th!

 Rhonda is feeling nostalgic tonight..she's taking a walk...way back walk down memory lane. Go Rhonda...get those pictures out of those sticky NOT acid free albums!

 Priscilla is getting organized...for 6 hours she got organized. She should be very, very organized and ready to actually CROP at the  next event!
"Dovie get back in your seat...we have work to do..." Dovie and I are co-tackling our Disney albums. She and her family went in 2002 and we went in 2007. Both albums are closer to being done after tonight.
Liz is on a roll...getting lots done in her kids album & having fun making cool stuff on my craft cutter. (don't you just love technology?) Remember the days when you used a template to trace and cut letters out? Now all you do is type it in on the laptop and hit "cut". Awesome!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Get Your Game On!

Looking for something fun to do this month? Here's an option. The W2W Activities team has put together and impromptu game night for Thursday, June 23rd. It will take place in the activities room. We will be playing BUNCO, Mexican Train & Phase 10.  We will have all games going at once. The first 12 people to arrive will play BUNCO...and then we'll rotate out,,,,and we can also have more than one BUNCO game going at once depending on how many people show up.
I personally have NEVER finished phase 10 all the way through, so I'd love the chance to do that. This is the perfect opportunity to sit at a table, play a game, meet someone new, have conversation, fellowship and snack, all at the same time.
Games will begin at 6:30 and we will go until 9 pm. Please bring a 2 liter drink to share and a finger/snack type food to share (M&M's, pretzels, chip and dip, peanuts, twizzlers etc...).  A few small prizes will be awarded. Watch the bulletin and handouts for more reminders and followups. So that our childcare providers can participate in our events, there will be no child care for this event.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Summer Bible Study Line-Up

Summer Bible Study Fliers will be at the welcome center on May 1st. Grab one for yourself and your neighbor! Don't spend the summer out of God's word, use one of the Bible Studies offered by our W2W Ministry to keep you sharp and on your toes...

The first study is by Kay Arthur. It will be led by Darise Taylor and the cost is $11
 You can read all about it here:

Next study offered is What Happens When Women Pray by Evelyn Christenson.
 Led by Liz Bowers.

You can read about it here:
Cost is $11

Last study offered is led by Dot Hill. Cost is $11
You can read about it here:

The time for each Bible Study will be 6:30, and although it hasn't been officially decided yet, I'm thinking they'll be in Seminar Rooms 1, 2, and 3. I will let everyone know as soon as I know. Sign up at the Welcome Center in the W2W corner of the desk. There will be no childcare this summer.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Care Calender Information

Something new that the Women's Ministry is instituting to better minister to our families in need of meals, is the CARE CALENDAR. One challenge Trinity is having, because of our size, is knowing who is preparing meals for who, when there is a need. Is the Seminar class making meals? Is their Bible Study group making meals? How about their Small Group? And how in the world would each of these groups know what the other one was making and when? The Care Calendar brings all of this together into one nifty little spot. It's so SIMPLE and will help us better minister to our families in need.
Anything you ever wanted to know about the Care Calendar can be found here:
  • A need is identified and the W2W ministry adds that family's need for a meal into the CARE CALENDAR database. If there are food allergies, likes/dislikes, if the family is vegetarian or has other dietary specifications, this is entered also. Their address in entered along with a host of other information.

  • IF YOU ARE ON THE CARE CALENDAR MEAL MINISTRY EMAIL LIST, then a mass email will go out at that time to YOU. At this point, you receive the email identifying the need for meal for a family. In this email, you are supplied a login ID for this family ONLY and a LINK to click on that will take you to the CARE CALENDAR.

  • If there is a time that you can prepare a meal, you simply go to the website, choose an available date on the CARE CALENDAR and that is your day to provide a meal. You would then enter onto your day on the calendar WHAT you are taking to the family to eat. You would be able to see also, if there are any dietary restrictions, how many people you are providing food for etc... {The nifty part of this is that you can also see what meal was taken to the family the day before and what is being taken the day after you. This option prevents three days of Chicken Spaghetti in a row!}
  • You can also receive an email reminder when it is your day to take a meal, and there is a map right there on the Calendar showing you turn by turn how to get to the home. It can't get much easier than that!
If you want to be a part of the Care Calendar Ministry and we don't know it, it does no one any good. As evidence of the Salad Supper....'yall ladies can cook! What we need is to enter your name and email into the Care Calendar Database...if you want to be notified when there is a need. You can do this by dropping an email to Lisa Kretzschmer. Just click here:
It does no one any good if you put your name on the list and NEVER check your email! You must check your email, because this church body is huge, the needs are sporadic and many! If you don't regularly check your email and you've put your name on the CARE CALENDAR meal preparation're going to have to tie a string around your finger to remind you...
don't have time to prepare a meal for this family? Well don't! We want you to serve if  you feel led to serve. It would be unrealistic for us to think that  you would prepare a meal every single time there is a need. We are all busy, BUT with a large enough list, there should never be a time that anyone HAS to provide a meal.
Just remember though, when you have nothing for dinner, a "one pot" recipe is great...a bowl of soup and cornbread is awesome! Chicken Spaghetti and rolls is great...families do not expect Thanksgiving preparations! If we all do our small part,  no one should ever feel overwhelmed.
If you have any questions, post a comment here and I'll answer it, email me, leave a comment or email me via  our Facebook page, which you can find here :
If I don't know the answer, I'll find out and get the information to you. Thanks ladies, for all you do.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Introducing B.A.B.E.S.

If these are your feet...raise your hand. If  you've looked down and been dismayed at what you've seen on the scale before.....I might have a possible solution for you.
Dovie Mclerran is leading a weight loss class/study beginning Monday at 6pm to 8pm in the Activities Room.  {The cost of the workbook is $15 and the food journal is $10 but it is not required...but you do have to keep track of your food somewhere...I'm sure there is an app. for that!}  It's called B.A.B.E.S.
It originated right here in Oklahoma at Victory Church. You can read about it here:

BABES stands for Beautiful Accountable BABE Exercising Sensibility. Since 2003, approximately 600 women have lost over 10,000 pounds during their BABES weight-loss journey. Currently, there are BABES programs in other churches, workplaces, and homes across the country. Hundreds of physical illnesses have been alleviated and even resolved through the program, which covers information on healthy food choices, exercise, right thinking, emotional healing, and spiritual wholeness. Freedom is the best word to describe what has happened to women as they have lived a life of accountability through this program.

BABES, the highly successful, 12-week weight-loss accountability challenge, is not your ordinary weight-loss program based on unrealistic expectations and fleeting success. Instead, this plan is centered on achieving lasting weight loss, having accountability with others, and instilling the diligence in you to never give up on attaining the healthy lifestyle you deserve.
One week a month, the B.A.B.E.S. meeting will cross over with the book club meeting.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Here is what you missed!

For the ladies that were not able to attend our first big W2W event...the Salad Supper, here are a few pictures of the event...just so you can see what you missed!

We were so excited, as the ladies kept lining up at the door, with their salads in hand. We had so much food, that we had to arrange an overflow table for extra salads. Baptists like to eat, and apparently they can cook too. There was every kind of salad imaginable, but not one that required a personal favorite was the cornbread salad, and I always love that salad that has the Ramen noodles in it and the vinegar. And wasn't the spinach salad with strawberries good? Mmm... Can I get an instant replay on the food?
Cucumber water? I'd never heard of it. Lisa Slocumb brought it..her own personal favorite, made with those long English Cucumbers  sliced in it, and I have to admit, it was rather tasty.

3 tables loaded with food. I had to remove flower arrangements to make room for the food.
The "Overflow Table".

A place to sit...a survey to fill out. This is how we plan to gather information about what the ladies of Trinity are interested in seeing happen with the W2W ministry AND is will be a great tool to also find out where you are interested in serving.
When the survey was turned in...COMPLETED, it was traded for a raffle ticket. Check out all the raffle gifts that were donated by the community and lots of W2W ladies. Haircuts...manicures...scentsy...Pampered Chef...Creative Memores...Candles...Jewelry....Hats... Photography sessions, you name it, it was on the raffle table.
Lisa Slocumb and Tracy Tadlock did a fabulous job decorating. (Everyone did a great job with their piece of the pie). Aren't these centerepieces cute and springy? Bet you didn't know that the base is a roll of toilet paper did you? Yep, totally recyleable.

The whole Activities Room looked great!

Name tags to match our banner...great idea. You did notice the banner, right? In the first picture?

Total ladies in attendance...approximately 106. Fabulous. It only strengthens what we already knew...there is a huge desire for fellowship among our ladies.

Afterwards, there was an opportunity to sign up for Summer Bible studies, "Babes"..(apparently a weight loss thingy that Dovie Mclerran is doing on Mondays) and the Book Club, as well as our new Care Calender for meals. If you have any questions about any of the things mentioned above, email me or leave a comment and I'll be glad to explain.
Thanks everyone for attending. We hope you saw a familiar face, made  a new friend, and enjoyed yourself. Now, what to do next time...hmmmmmm.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


At the Salad Supper lastnight, I heard it more than once "WHEN ARE WE GOING TO MEET?". Okay, so first on my agenda this morning was to set a date for our 1st official discussion. So mark your calenders. April 11th...that's a Monday night. In the Commons Area @ 6:30. We may move to a room if one is available, howeve,r book club to me is "loungy" and "comfy" and those big chairs and tables in the commons area, outside the Safari...they say..."pick me, pick me!". So for now, that's where we'll gather, until I see how big our group is.
If you haven't read either book yet, it's not too late to start. Both books are fabulous. Which one do I like the best? I like them both the best for different reasons. :-)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I smell......SALAD.

Don't forget...Salad Supper coming up: one week from this Friday! There's still time to make a shopping list and decide what you are going to bring! We have lots of fellowship and fun planned! Who is coming?

The picture above is what I'm bringing...mmmmmm.
6:30 to 8 ish in the TBC Activities room.
no Childcare for this event.
Bring a Salad to share!
Drinks provided!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

"No Same Old Shoes"

 Today, after our W2W (Woman 2 Woman) Leadership meeting, I started thinking a new post for the upcoming week was in order. I do NOT want this blog to become stale...if people see the SAME thing too many times when they visit the blog, they start to peeter off on views. That's just how it goes. You know you can relate...when you stroll through the shoe department at Macy's, don't you know immediately if it's the SAME OLD SHOES on display? Yep. See? So what happens? You don't go back for a week or so. That is the  LAST thing I want to happen here. I don't want the SAME OLD SHOES to ever be on display for long, so I think that a new post is in order...oh I know, how about a blog tutorial? 

For those of you who have your own blogs,  or who read blogs weekly, this will be one of those "ho-hum" paragraphs that you'll likely just skim over. There are some ladies who are experiencing BLOG-life first hand via yours truly. That scares me a little. :-) Nevertheless, I want Blog reading to be a pleasant one, so here are a few blog pointers for blog newbies:
  • Old posts (or topics) do not disappear. Just because you pull up the blog and there is a new post/topic at the top, fear not! The previous post is still there. If you continue scrolling/going down the page, you will see the previous topic, and the one before, and the one before. Eventually, however, that page will end, and in the very bottom center of the page you will see those magical words "OLDER POSTS". In blogger-land...that's like turning a page. Click that, and back you go to the previous page of posts. Ten years from now, God willing, you & I  will be able to hit the "previous post" button all the way back to RIGHT HERE. Amazing. I know. Technology creeps me out and romances me at the same time.
  • This will really bowl you over...Blogging is NOT a one way gasp! No! You will notice, at the bottom of each post, there is a word....COMMENT. Think about it, if anyone else says something to don't just stand there and look at them do you? No, you reply. So I need you to REPLY..not just for me but for eachother. I don't NEED your reply because I need your reassurance, I need to hear you because I need to know this deal is working...that relationships are being built and ladies are getting to know eachother. The cool thing about a comment is, when you comment, your picture is displayed next to your comment. When I read your comment and your name, I begin to place a face with a name. Other Ladies reading this blog will quickly do the same. Next time you see them, you'll recognize them and that is RELATIONSHIP.
I have a funny story to tell you along this line, if you will indulge me. At last week's W2W meeting, I carted along my laptop, so that I could show the other ladies the trailer on YOUtube for the book club selection for the month (I'm pretty sure that's a run-on sentence). Anyway, I was leaning over Lisa Slocumb and we were looking at the blog. We were talking about what a great tool it was going to be to bring ladies up to speed on what's going on within the church, and how we hoped it would also evolve into a useful way for ladies to get aquainted. Are you ready? Then she pointed at my picture...and said "see, I don't even know who this person is who is doing this blog".  Umm...yeah, I said "um, that's me"...okay, maybe it was 15 pounds ago, but it wasn't unrecognizable. I rest my case. We see people around us every Sunday and Wednesday, but do we really SEE people around us? I'm not just picking on Lisa, because I thought it was hilarious. I had a big belly laugh about it later on...but seriously...we must develop relationship. We are commanded to. Need I remind you? I do? God's word is filled with story after story about relationship, and I don't need to remind you that the book starts with the story of God's relationship to man in the Garden of Eden. The Bible is also a book filled with stories about friendships..and the word FRIEND is found some ninety times in scripture. Wow. Anyway, I'd really like to see you ladies commenting, just so we can begin to communicate, but now that I've scolded you, let me praise you for even looking and reading! Some 200 views in a week! I'm floored.

  • To comment, you must be "logged in". When you first pull up the blog, if you plan to comment, log in to "google blogger". There is a 'log in' button on the top right of your DASHBOARD.I'm not talking about the one in  your car either. (Your Dashboard is the line that runs across the top of the blog . It's likely navy blue with orange letters).  When you find 'sign in', you will know you have found your dashboard. Once you are signed in to google, you can comment, choose to follow the blog, and RSVP to event listed on the sidebar. Nifty, eh? I just love technology, but I think I said that already.
  •  If you do not have a google ID, just create one, it's easy, just follow the instructions. If you can bake a cake, you can create a google ID. Just make the ID name something you can remember and the password something you won't forget. Each time you log in, that's what you type. If you check the blog within a 24 hour period, you will likely still be logged in. If you have a nice picture of yourself on the computer or your camera, this is where you upload it (to make your picture show up when you comment). If you want to know how to do that, we might need to meet and have coffee. 
  •  Simple. Got it? Okay, Go Comment!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Okay, I can't stand it any longer...

I can't wait any longer. I've been trying to figure out when the best time is to announce our  new book club. I have the thumbs up on the book choices...We have the salad supper coming up and revival but why wait to start the book club? Since when can women NOT do more than one thing at a time?? Under the definition of woman in the dictionary, I'm pretty sure it says "multi-tasker". If it doesn' should.

 So, okay, for those of you who have been waiting...waiting...& waiting for me to tell you about PAGE TURNERS, this post is just for you. For the rest of you, that I bribed into reading along with me, you've been dreading this announcement, because you must start reading (you know who you are). So, here we go....PAGE TURNERS. That's the name. That's us. That's our Women's Ministry Book Club. It's official. It has a name. It has an identity. It has a purpose. It has an agenda and YOU have an assignment. Pick a book, or choose both. In Louisiana, we chose two books each month, because it was common that the chosen book was either unappealing or had already been read. So by offering two choices, from different era's, genres and authors, you are bound to find one of the two appealing.

Book one I am really excited about because it's a new author for me, and if you don't know me, you don't know that it's difficult to find an author that I haven't read. I read all the time, everywhere, all places, in all situations. Period. The product of a crummy dysfunctional childhood plunged me into fiction at an early 11. I've been there ever since. Anyway, below is the trailer on YouTube for the first book. It is HISTORICAL FICTION.  I could say technically it's HISTORICAL BIBLICAL FICTION, if you want the actual category, but the story is about Rahab, which is not a fictional character as you know, but a for real Biblical character, so I'm guessing this book is a combination of both. A fictional story wrapped up in an actual person to tell a true story. Does that make any sense at all? yeah, I didn't think so. Watch the trailer below.

I think it's going to be a great read. Which one of  you couldn't use a little Biblical Romance? :)
Okay, second book choice is from one of my favorite authors Francine Rivers. A few of you have read it I know, but for those of you who haven't...YOU MUST. I have to forewarn you not judge the book by it's cover. I have said for a couple of years that the cover needs to be re-done. There is nothing appealing about it...but once you get past the won't be able to put it down, and you'll never look at your husband the same....ha ha! If you've read it, you know what I'm talking about. Below is the link to the second book choice.

All right PAGE TURNERS, you've got 4 weeks to read these two books or one of them. I'll post discussion questions for each book in a couple of weeks, so make notes as you read. In a month, we will meet and discuss and I'll announce new books...that's the routine.I'm shooting for a Monday the coffee shop area, although meeting at a restaurant might  not be out of the question, depending on the number of ladies participating. We'll get to that part later.
 Below are places that you can get the books.
  • Sue ordered and has 6 of Pearl in the Sand...I believe they are in the bookstore, if not, I'll post in the comments section of this post where they are. I know she has 6. We can get at least that many more in 2 days from Amazon at a discount if you want one, please leave me a comment and let me know. Click on any of the links below to find the books.
Page Turners...go turn some pages.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

SALAD SUPPER for Trinity's Ladies!!

Friday Night, March 25th 2011
Trinity Baptist Church
6:30-8'ish or so...
The purpose of this fellowship opportunity, is to introduce the Ladies of TBC to the  new concept for the future of the  Women's Ministry. We will be getting input from you ladies on activities that interest you, and that you'd like to see happen at Trinity.  We have some ideas to start, but we want to hear from YOU!

So come to the Salad Supper....and here's the important part, Baptists like to eat, so bring a SALAD...yes, a salad is leafy and has croutons and dressing, but think outside the box...pasta salad, three bean salad, potato salad, chicken salad, apple salad, jello salad, fruit salad, carrot & raisin salad, tuna you get the idea?  And if you so desire, bring along a copy of the recipe to display along with your dish. Beverages will be provided.  We look forward to discovering our secret gourmet chefs and tasting those passed-down family favorites.

Helpful Information:
  1.  There will be NO CHILDCARE for this function, so that our childcare providers can attend the Salad Supper as well.
  2. You do not need to RSVP, however we are expecting a FABULOUS turnout and yes, bring a friend.
  3. Of course there will be door prizes...lots of them. :-)
  4. Leave your husbands at home. We do not need them.
  5. Bring any ideas you might have for future activities/socials.
  6. Be prepared to meet someone new.
  7. Come with an appetite.
  8. If you want to leave a comment in the comments section below to let me know you're coming please do so.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Introducing "PAGE TURNERS"...Book Club

Alright is my opportunity to share with you what I do best...READ. Reading moves music moves some. I think my love of  reading stems from my desire to escape from a lonely, boring childhood. I can remember going the library as a child (much like "H" does today) and bringing home stacks and stacks of books. The stories in the pages take you to places that you may never you experience things you may never experience...force you to deal with fears that otherwise you might never acknowledge exist... No matter how crummy the day has been, I can pick up a good book and go "there"...wherever "there" may be. Fiction never lets me down. Fiction always lends and ear and lowers my blood-pressure.

As I grew in my spiritual walk, many of my favorite authors began to trouble me with their language and story lines...I couldn't enjoy the story for being offended by the language. I read my first piece of Christian Fiction 5 years ago...and oh my...the floodgates opened. I did not know that Christian Fiction existed. You mean that I can read a book filled with suspense, twists, turns, love, romance, struggle and pain....and intertwined within it there is the love of GOD...the message of Salvation? without all the foul language? I've been taken ever since. I read when I cook...I read when I blow-dry my hair...I read on my phone, I read online, I read digitally, I read by listening to books in my car, I listen to books on my ipod when I clean house...I read more than one book at a time. Yes. I am crazy. This I know. I have also won more than one Non-reader over to the reading side as for those of you who are rolling your eyes at me right now...that could be you in the near future. Just sayin'...never say never!

So....the fun part, is that in every book I read, there is a message for me, or for someone I know and love. It never fails. I read something in it that applies to someone I know, and I inevitably use that book/story/message in some way in the future. In fact,  I intentionally look in each book for the "whats" and the "whys" and the "who's"...that apply to that story. Sometimes it's right in my face...sometimes not so obvious. Sometimes it hits me months later. I also pass lots of books on...because you see, people let their guard down when they read fiction...give them a book on the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ and their feathers get a little ruffled, especially if they're not ready to hear it...but give them a work of fiction where the salvation message is very subtle and woven...and they are much more open to...more. I look for those books and I pass them on when I find them.

So, what does all this mean for us? It means that I am leading a book club for our Women's Ministry. It has a's called PAGE TURNERS.  Here are the details:

  • We will meet monthly (probably a Tuesday Night) to discuss the book.
  • @ that time I will announce the next month's book selection/selections.
  • You'll have one month to read the book and review the discussion questions
  • Look for opportunities to invite others and share the ministry
  • Expect a bad book once in a while...they can't all be winners!
So what do you think? Are you in?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Women of Joy Conference

Alright Ladies...Linda asked me to post a blurb about the Women of Joy Conference at the Fair Grounds Arena. She is placing an order tomorrow/purchasing tickets tomorrow(Thursday) for Trinity. I guess if they are purchases at the same can sit together...that would be my guess. Call the church office if you are interested. The number to Linda is 354-4839.

The dates are April 15th to 19th.
Friday, Noon to 9pm
Saturday, 8:30 to 9pm
Sunday, 9am to 11am

The cost is $89 for admission. This doesn't include parking of course...never does! Linda says you can just pay the church and she'll reserve you a ticket.
Guest speakers are Sarah Palin, Kay Arthur, Karen Kingsbury, Anita Renfroe, Charles Billingsly and Michael W. Smith.

If you want to register online, and not with the church, for instance your own little group wants to go, click here:

To read the Women of Joy Blog, about all the goings on at other Conferences across the country, click here:

To download/print the pdf file of the Women of Joy flyer to pass out to your peeps, click here:

Still Waiting...

Okay, I promised you something new and exciting and I still can't tell you. I know, I'm sorry. I guess I'm going to have to give Scott the old one-two kick in the pants and speed him up on his "okay" of this endeavor...actually he has given it the okay, it just requires a monthly approval and I'm waiting on the "monthly approval" soon as he gives it...I'll tell you what we'll be doing every month...beginning in April. Here are a few hints to ponder:
  • it incorporates my favorite smell
  • it will enlighten you
  • it will make some of you roll your eyes and run the other way
  • it requires a monthly meeting and FOOD
  • it requires getting to know eachother and being social.
  • it will require you to go look for something to do it...

Monday, February 14, 2011

And We're Off!

Alright ladies...step one...establish a Facebook Page. Check. Step two, establish a Blog for the Women's Ministry. Check. This Blog will help accommodate those ladies who DO NOT have a FACEBOOK account, but DO have internet access and computer savviness. For everyone else...FEAR NOT! You will not fall between the can run, you can hide...but we will reach you all!  We have plans...secret plans...stay tuned for frequent updates to this BLOG about things going on with our Women's Ministry at Trinity. I'm waiting on Scott to give me the thumbs up, and when he does, I have an exciting announcement to make later in the week...ciao! ~K~